Read below the tournament report from Wayne Bridgeman, Black Arrows coach and tournament organiser.
Just a quick thank you for attending the tournament today Saturday 29th September 2018.
If it was your first badminton tournament… You then give yourself an extra pat on the back for achieving the hardest thing of all at the beginning… By putting your pride on the line and turning up… invitations were sent to 57 women, 30 replied with interest in the event, 26 paid to enter, 5 decided not to play within the last 3 days before the tournament and only 18 actually played!
So for those who felt they didn’t play well or let themselves down today… Be aware you bravely came a long way from being in last place…
I said at the start of the tournament that a beginner usually lack
A few important skills in order to be classified an intermediate
1) Ability to hit the shuttle down below the net tape when the opportunity arises
2) The ability to move backwards or forwards in balance giving time to chose the correct shot without haste.
3) The ability to see the spaces and hit the shuttle hard or softly
Into those spaces whether that is straight over the net or cross court.
These are the things you all should aspire to do and the things that all of us watching the quarter-finalist & finalists could see in action! Although maybe not as consistently as necessary.
It is with great pride I’ve watched some of you play in the tournament over the years and those new to the tournament I will hopefully watch in the future improve and develop your game.
Also special thanks to KARAKAL UK for providing the tournament prizes, to Black Arrows for supporting the event, City University for providing the facilities, and all the coaches who helped today and hopefully inspired you to play more in the future.