Cole and Sam as the proud Court Moppers at the World Badminton Championships!

Cole and Sam
Cole and Sam, our Junior members were selected to be Court Moppers at this years event. here’s what they had to say…
“We arrived on the 7th August (Sunday) where we were greeted by Stuart. We were lucky enough to witness the England team training, we even managed to meet the team and say hello to Nathan Robertson. On the first day of the mopping, we learnt how to mop and the rules of mopping and we met some really nice and funny line judges. On the second day of mopping we got autographs from Peta Gade (3rd best player in the world) and our favourite player Heather Oliver. She is our favourite player because she said we were the best moppers because we made her laugh! The best thing about the experience was mopping up famous badminton players sweat! We can’t wait to do it again!
Cole and Sam!